It depends on two things:
- The parameters in the url behind
- And the (default) paremeters that are stored in the browser
Let’s see the possible situations:
1.- First connection to
MapAgenda has no way to know what area of the map to display, and instead of trying to guess it from the IP address, it presents this welcome page that lets you decide your location. It also lets you decide what activity to choose.
The entered place becomes the center of the map and is stored in the browser for future visits as default location.
2. Next visits to
After the first visit, the browser already knows where to start and it goes directly there without asking again in the welcome page. The location and activities are the default values stored in the browser.
Note: If you delete the browser cookies, you will get the welcome screen again.
3. When the url contains both, the latitude and longitude parameters of the map center point, something like!events;la=40.8267306;lo=0.2555989
Since your are providing the location in the url parameters, mapagenda goes directly to that point. In this case, it does not care if the default location parameters exist or not since it is not using them.
To sum up, if you want to show someone a specific area of the map, always include the latitude (la) and longitude (lo) parameters in the address. Otherwise, either mapagenda will ask the user for an initial location or it will use the default values that have been stored previously by him.
It is also a good idea to include the zoom parameter (z) that establishes the detail of the map.
How to change the initial location and activity?
As mentioned above, the location and activity entered in the welcome screen are stored as default values in the browser itself and will be used as the starting point for future visits.
But once inside, mapAgenda allows you to change these values from the main screen. Go to “Search Options” and select “Save the present search as default for future visits”.
Hope this helps. You can also give a look to the "Help" menu in which contains an explanation of the different parameters.